I can’t get someone to stop calling me – what to do?

Have you been in an awkward position when somebody is desperately trying to get in touch with you, but all you want is for them to leave you alone? Whether it is an annoying ex, an aggressive salesperson or a flat-out fraudster, you have the right to privacy. Here are a few tips for you to get someone to stop excessively calling you.

1. Ask politely

This might seem a no-brainer but try it. Sometimes people are trying to reach out and contact you because they do not get a definite ‘No’ or ‘Yes’ from you. They can persistent in general, or it could be their job to try to reach you and get a definite answer. Please do not be hesitant to answer when a caller is a person you know unless you are absolutely sure about their intentions and want to stay away.

“Please don’t call me again”; “Cross me off your call list”; “It would be best if you would not call me again” – typical phrases for this situation.

2. Block their number

Use the settings on your mobile phone to block a caller. If you are getting harassed at work or your work mobile, you could contact IT and HR departments so they can issue a new number and remove the old one.

You could also use third-party call blocking software from your “AppStore”. There is a wide variety of applications for iOS, Android and other devices that could help by providing cheap or free call blocking.

3. Try to identify them

It would help if you used online phone lookup tools.

Use whocallingyou or other reverse telephone number search sites for unknown caller identification. They work globally, and you can read various comments from people who have encountered the caller before and add your comments to share knowledge with others.Such free online tools partially (and sometimes even wholly) eliminate the need for tedious legal procedures. Anyone can track a caller and keep themselves safer.

How it works is relatively simple.

You open the website (online tool) which can help you find people behind the calls – reverse phone lookup site.

You then enter the caller’s number into the designated tab. Once the search is completed, which takes a few seconds at most, whocallingyou will list all the available information. This includes:

If there is a problem with the caller which you cannot sort out, contact their superiors at work or law enforcement with an accurate description or a list of features, describing the caller.

4. Contact your or their carrier

If reverse phone lookup proves to be unsuccessful or you might want additional assistance/help, reaching out to a carrier might be a good solution.

A narrow margin of success is present with this step. A carrier has their hands tied to affect interpersonal relations, so you might not get the desired result if a mad ex or an angry former landlord is trying to reach you.

Moreover, if the call is from overseas or from abroad – nothing is likely to happen. So, if you live in the US, Illinois (for example) and you are constantly harassed by a call centre in Mumbai, India, reaching out to a carrier is unlikely to do any good. It’s better to use phone lookup online yourself.

5. Use law enforcement or legal help

May all of this prove futile in the course for your comfort and release of tension, contact law enforcement or a lawyer. They can track the person and legally notice them about doing things wrong. This is the last resort before going to court. Nevertheless, this proves to be expensive in the financial category, and you will also lose time. Lots of it.