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219 Area Code
219-259-XXXX phone numbers
Browse all 219-259-XXXX phone numbers
2192599042, +1 219 259 9042
The owner of an unknown number wanted to sell his old car, when I asked about the identification, no one responded.
2192593765, +1 219 259 3765
Received a call from an online store, advertising about a household product. Provided a 20% instant discount on using the given code by the caller.
2192592691, +1 219 259 2691
Received a call from an unknown number, the person was trying to sell life insurance policy. Is it a finance service scam number?
2192599165, +1 219 259 9165
Got a call from an unknown number, on receiving it the person was speaking in Chinese. But I don’t know anyone who speaks Chinese.
2192599061, +1 219 259 9061
I received a call saying they wanted to hire me when asked upon identification, no one responded. Is it a number of an agency?
2192591152, +1 219 259 1152
Received a call from an unknown number, the person was trying to sell life insurance policy. Is it a finance service scam number?
2192591449, +1 219 259 1449
I received a call from an unknown number regarding a home loan. I did not have any clue about it. Is this a scam?
2192591554, +1 219 259 1554
They kept texting me consistently to sell me some insurance of theirs. On blocking the number, they are calling from different unidentified numbers.
2192599052, +1 219 259 9052
They kept texting me consistently to sell me some insurance of theirs. On blocking the number, they are calling from different unidentified numbers.