Browse phones (219) 333-XXXX

(219) 333-5196

Got a call from an unknown number, asking about my personal details, when asked for authenticity, no one responded.

(219) 333-4823

**I did post this on a previous number, that ended in 4808. That is my bad. This is the correct number for this comment: (219)333-4823.**Guy called saying I had vacation reward points expiring. I told him I had no idea what he was talking about. He rattled off about how I must have stayed at a partner resort, did a time share, etc. Then mentioned the address of a house I haven't lived at, in 10 years. I told him that, he said that's why my points are expiring. I told him I haven't been to any resorts nor done any time shares. He said well, you have enough points for 4 all-paid vacations. Asked if I was traveling anytime soon, I said no, as I have a small child. He then went on to tell me that I can get these points and they will never expire. I said, wait you just told me my points were expiring (cue laughter). He said, yes they are expiring, unless you renew today. Um...if they never expire why are they expiring? That's just idiotic. So I repeated that I did not have any idea how they would be associated with me. He said we can close the account and part as friends (HAHAHA!!) or I can do something about it and then go on a vacation getaway. I said I wanted to close it. He said are you sure, this is $1500 worth of vacations. Wait...didn't this dude tell me I had 4 all-paid vacations...where the heck am I going to vacation for $375 for all expenses being paid??? One night stay at a cheap hotel in the closest city to me?? I flatly told him to just close the account. You could hear the utter defeat in his voice as he bid me farewell. I should mention, in a period of 3 days, this number called me 7 times!! I got tired of the calls, which is why I answered on the 7th one.