Browse phones (315) 522-XXXX

(315) 522-8722

Got a call from an unknown number, the person was asking for my bank details, when asked for identity, nobody spoke anything.

(315) 522-1792

I received a call from an unidentified number, the person spoke in French. I did not understand a single word.

(315) 522-0413

I have been receiving unsolicited ads from this number for a week now. I just added it to the spam list.

(315) 522-0480

I received an unidentified call, the person on the other side was trying to sell some hand - made products from an online store.

(315) 522-0509

I received a call from an unknown number saying they called me regarding my job application. But I am already employed. SCAM

(315) 522-0481

I received an unidentified call, the person on the other side was trying to sell some hand - made products from an online store.

(315) 522-0478

I received an unidentified call saying she wanted to purchase my old vintage car. On asking for the identity, nobody spoke anything.

(315) 522-0532

Received a call from this unidentified number who wanted to introduce some of his company’s financial scheme. I’m fed up with these marketing people.

(315) 522-0498

I received a call from an unknown number, asking about my whereabouts when asked for authentication, no one responded.

(315) 522-0507

The owner of an unknown number wanted to sell his old car, when I asked about the identification, no one responded.

(315) 522-0476

I received an unidentified call saying she wanted to purchase my old vintage car. On asking for the identity, nobody spoke anything.

(315) 522-0414

I have been receiving calls from this number since yesterday. He wants me to purchase some of his hand made merchandise from the online store. Just marketing, guys.

(315) 522-0477

Sends a text asking to buy my car. When I tried to question his whereabouts, irrespective of questions, he wanted to but it anonymously.

(315) 522-0151

I am getting continuous calls from a number saying they want to sell their products. Is it a number of an agency?

(315) 522-0467

I have been getting automated calls asking to text my account details to them. Another banking scam.

(315) 522-0446

I received a call from an unidentified number, I did not hear the person clearly, but he was trying to sell his house.

(315) 522-0444

Got a call from an unknown number, asking about my personal details, when asked for authenticity, no one responded.

(315) 522-0436

Received scholarship offers from this number a month ago. I noticed it today after opening my spam folder. Poor me.

(315) 522-8548

This strange guy has been trying to convince me to buy his old RV. Despite all the refusals, he doesn't seem to give up.

(315) 522-8705

This number belongs to some marketing guy who wants me to buy his product without even any return policy.

(315) 522-0801

I received a call from this number saying that there were from PayPal and wanted to know my account details. Probably cheat-frauds.