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319 Area Code
319-205-XXXX phone numbers
Browse all 319-205-XXXX phone numbers
3192053914, +1 319 205 3914
I received a call from this unidentified number saying that they got my application seeking for house lease. I did not even have any clue of it. Probably another leasing scam.
3192056628, +1 319 205 6628
Received a call from an online store, advertising about a household product. Provided a 20% instant discount on using the given code by the caller.
3192051399, +1 319 205 1399
I received an unidentified call saying they wanted to know my credit card details. On asking for authenticity, they never responded. SCAM!!
3192051127, +1 319 205 1127
I received a text asking for help asap. On calling back, I discovered that they were a bunch of kids playing prank calls.
3192058675, +1 319 205 8675
I was getting blank voice mails by this number. On Dialing, it says Invalid number.
3192056075, +1 319 205 6075
I was receiving some marketing texts from this number, but on call, I discovered that the name of an esteemed NGO registers the number.