Browse phones (325) 400-XXXX

(325) 400-4864

Got a call from an unknown number, the owner was trying to sell some products though I was least interested.

(325) 400-6440

I received a call from an unknown number and the person was trying to sell insurance.

(325) 400-5512

I received an unknown call number asking for my debit card details. When asked for authenticity, they did not respond.

(325) 400-7521

I received from an unidentified number saying they have accepted my job application, but I did not file any job application. Something is fishy.

(325) 400-6756

I received a call from an unknown number and the person was trying to sell insurance.

(325) 400-7178

On receiving the call from this unidentified number, I learned that the person was speaking in Spanish. But I don’t know any Spanish person. Strange!!

(325) 400-7458

The owner of this number wants me to buy his car without any whereabouts. Is this an automotive scam?

(325) 400-7122

Received scholarship offers from this number a month ago. I noticed it today after opening my spam folder. Poor me.

(325) 400-6768

I just received a call from an unknown number maybe that was spam, as the person was asking me to purchase a digital subscription.

(325) 400-0700

Received a call from an unidentified number, the owner was trying to sell some green medicine.

(325) 400-6647

I was receiving some marketing texts from this number, but on call, I discovered that the name of an esteemed NGO registers the number.

(325) 400-6928

I received a call from an unknown number saying they called me regarding my job application. But I am already employed. SCAM

(325) 400-6113

Name Used: Maryrue ThorpShe will act like she wants to get to know you and then pursue it until she finds an opening to ask for help getting an inheritance. When pushed to her limits her English gets very bad. She likes to hunt on FB and then after she finds you all her Facebook presence will be cleansed. She currently has two more accounts She claims to be trying to get back because "someone" tried changing her password. This person needs to be stopped. I realize she is most likely working with others because I know two other people that this has happened to on FB. I told them they should report it, but I don't know if they did.