Browse phones (330) 510-XXXX

(330) 510-2285

I received a call from an unknown number saying they called me regarding my job application. But I am already employed. SCAM

(330) 510-5976

Consider DANGEROUS. Three missed calls today. When I returned, said he was with Social Security Agency (not Administration), my identity had been stolen, and "Mr. Smith", an Indian man, kept asking to confirm my SSN and other information over & over. I hadn't given my name or anything when I called, so he clearly had no idea who I was, other than "Ma'am". Caller ID said Akron, Ohio but I asked where 330 area code was & he said Texas. Immediately began threatening to freeze my SSN, saying it'd been used in fraud, opening 5 car business accounts and other criminal activities. Requests for proof he worked for SSA, all I got was name and ID badge#. Explaining that wasnt proof - (try naming my case worker, my case number, why SSA and not FBI was calling)... More aggression, hostility, & threats - but he couldnt answer a single question. Repeatedly said I'd call my SSA caseworker & my Lifelock agent asap instead because I wasn't comfortable with his answers and oddly, he kept trying to goad ME to hang up on HIM. Infuriated after 11m;15s with me, repeated Texas would freeze my SSN right now if I didnt cooperate. He was a little tricky originally only because I had terrible day, but that was while on the phone with my real County Svcs and the real Ohio SSA for the prev. 2 hrs. Idiot. I pointed out that for someone trying to "help me", he was pretty hostile. His Hail Mary was that I was now linked to $200K in fraudulent biz car loans (if fraud, then Im not in trouble anyway, plus I couldnt get a loaner library card, let alone a fleet of cars). Watch your caller id.... it said Akron, Ohio, but he couldn't answer why the number didn't match Texas. Don't answer these unknown calls, call them back afterwards, and after you Google the # of course. Now contacting FBI on Mr. (330) 510-5976.....