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(408) 389-5274
This strange guy has been trying to convince me to buy his old RV. Despite all the refusals, he doesn't seem to give up.
(408) 389-5213
John'Pretends to be interested in photography services for a family reunion in two weeks time to include 5 hours plus 6-16"x 20" enlargements and wants to pay in full plus the fee for the event planner because 'she doesn't have the facility to receives credit card payment' and 'do me a little favors add $100 to payment for a tips for you'. I asked where the event was, the event planner hasn't booked a location yet but it will definitely be within 1-2 hours in the state from your location. He asked repeatedly for the cost and I told him I couldn't say without a location. This was all by text. So finally said tell you what, give me your credit card number, expiration date, the full name on the card and the 3 digit security code and I'll hold the date for you. He says I'm in the ICU for ear surgery ! Lol! It was ridiculous! I love playing with these people!