Browse phones (562) 383-XXXX

(562) 383-8682

Received a call from an unidentified number saying Prince is no one. I do not know any Prince. Is it a scam number?

(562) 383-8734

Getting continuous calls from an unknown number whenever I receive it, no one responds. Something is strange here.

(562) 383-1005

Got a call from an unknown number, on receiving it the person was speaking in Chinese. But I don’t know anyone who speaks Chinese.

(562) 383-6236

Getting texts from this number asking for my area of residence. What is it? Some joke or just a scam?

(562) 383-9428

Got a call from an unknown number who spoke in Chinese, did not understand a single word of him

(562) 383-2289

Received scholarship offers from this number a month ago. I noticed it today after opening my spam folder. Poor me.

(562) 383-2112

I received a call from an unknown number and the person was trying to sell insurance.

(562) 383-5254

I received a call from an unknown number, they were trying to sell flowers, when asked for authenticity, nobody responded.

(562) 383-2886

I received a call from someone saying I have won a car, so they wanted to know my residence when asked for identification, nobody responded.

(562) 383-5754

I was in a meeting when I first received a text from this number saying, "It's Urgent." I called back to know what it was about. Nobody received it.

(562) 383-9768

I am getting continuous calls from a number saying they want to sell their products. Is it a number of an agency?

(562) 383-5104

I received a call from an unknown number regarding a home loan. I did not have any clue about it. Is this a scam?

(562) 383-5216

Sends a text asking to buy my car. When I tried to question his whereabouts, irrespective of questions, he wanted to but it anonymously.

(562) 383-6801

Received a call from an unidentified number, she wanted to convince me to get medical insurance even though I have one.