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613 Area Code
613-212-XXXX phone numbers
Browse all 613-212-XXXX phone numbers
6132124456, +1 613 212 4456
Is this a number of some finance companies? They called and promised to provide Educational funds for my child. Is it safe?
6132124466, +1 613 212 4466
Is it a scam number? I have been getting calls from an unknown number since morning. Whenever I receive the call, nobody tells anything.
6132124461, +1 613 212 4461
Received a call from an unidentified number, she wanted to convince me to get medical insurance even though I have one.
6132124458, +1 613 212 4458
I got a blank message from this number. On calling back, the call never connects. I guess something is wrong.
6132124462, +1 613 212 4462
Automated system to start saying to stay on hold as it was an urgent business matter. Then a lady claimed to be calling from money mart which I've never used except to cash ONE cheque 10 years ago. Hung up on them and blocked number
6132124474, +1 613 212 4474
Is this a number of some finance companies? They called and promised to provide Educational funds for my child. Is it safe?
6132124471, +1 613 212 4471
It's CBV Collections