Browse phones (814) 900-XXXX

(814) 900-6970

The owner of this number wants me to buy his car without any whereabouts. Is this an automotive scam?

(814) 900-6192

I received a call from someone saying I have won a certain amount, so they wanted my debit card details. When asked for authenticity, no one responded.

(814) 900-7381

Is it a scam number? I have been getting calls from an unknown number since morning. Whenever I receive the call, nobody tells anything.

(814) 900-7477

Got a call from an unknown number, the person was asking for my bank details, when asked for identity, nobody spoke anything.

(814) 900-7139

I keep on getting calls by this number. Whenever I receive it, caller disconnects. Something is fishy.

(814) 900-7275

I am getting calls by this number at exact 3 am for two days in a row. Whenever I call back, nobody speaks anything.

(814) 900-7302

Received a call from an unidentified number, the person on the other side wanted me to buy some insurance policy. But I was not interested.

(814) 900-7378

They kept texting me consistently to sell me some insurance of theirs. On blocking the number, they are calling from different unidentified numbers.

(814) 900-4820

Received scholarship offers from this number a month ago. I noticed it today after opening my spam folder. Poor me.

(814) 900-6508

I got a call from someone saying they have approved my loan application, so they wanted my bank details when asked for authenticity nobody responded.

(814) 900-5562

I got a call from someone saying they have approved my loan application, so they wanted my bank details when asked for authenticity nobody responded.

(814) 900-5321

I received a call from an unidentified number, the person spoke in French. I did not understand a single word.

(814) 900-5514

Received calls from an unidentified number asking for an OTP. They faked to be Bank officials.

(814) 900-5490

Received a call from an unidentified number, the person on the other side wanted me to buy some insurance policy. But I was not interested.

(814) 900-7106

Hey, is this a number of some agency? Have been getting calls from this number asking to purchase some product of theirs.

(814) 900-5462

I received a call from an unknown number saying they called me regarding my job application. But I am already employed. SCAM

(814) 900-5480

The owner of an unknown number wanted to sell his old car, when I asked about the identification, no one responded.

(814) 900-5412

Guys, is this a scam number? I have been receiving blank calls from it since the day before yesterday.

(814) 900-5485

Got a call from someone saying he wanted to talk regarding my application for house lease. I did not have any idea about it.

(814) 900-5395

I have been getting automated calls asking to text my account details to them. Another banking scam.

(814) 900-6524

I received a call from an unknown number saying they called me regarding my job application. But I am already employed. SCAM