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817 Area Code
817-753-XXXX phone numbers
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8177531253, +1 817 753 1253
I received a call from an unknown number saying he wants to meet me regarding job application. I had no idea about it.
8177531116, +1 817 753 1116
I received a call from an unidentified number, the person spoke in French. I did not understand a single word.
8177531212, +1 817 753 1212
I was in a meeting when I first received a text from this number saying, "It's Urgent." I called back to know what it was about. Nobody received it.
8177531460, +1 817 753 1460
Got a call from someone saying he wanted to talk regarding my application for house lease. I did not have any idea about it.
8177530776, +1 817 753 0776
Got a call from an unknown number who spoke in Chinese, did not understand a single word of him
8177538787, +1 817 753 8787
Claimed to be debt collector but would not identify who the debtor was.