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830 Area Code
830-271-XXXX phone numbers
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8302711088, +1 830 271 1088
This number belongs to some marketing guy who wants me to buy his product without even any return policy.
8302712103, +1 830 271 2103
I have been getting continuous calls from an unknown number, whenever I receive them nobody speaks. Is it a scam number?
8302711272, +1 830 271 1272
I just received a call from an unknown number maybe that was spam, as the person was asking me to purchase a digital subscription.
8302710085, +1 830 271 0085
Caller says he is from AMAZON fraud dept and someone is using my account to purchase something. and the call is from out of this country so AMAZON supposidly put the roduct ordered on hold. Do I trust them or not?