Browse phones (860) 397-XXXX

(860) 397-6660

I keep on getting calls by this number. Whenever I receive it, caller disconnects. Something is fishy.

(860) 397-3905

I received a call from an unknown number saying they wanted to know about my credit card details. But no agency asks for this.

(860) 397-5900

I received a call from an unknown number saying he wants to purchase my vintage car when asked upon identification, nobody responded.

(860) 397-1927

I received a call from an unknown number saying they wanted to know about my credit card details. But no agency asks for this.

(860) 397-5281

Is it a scam number? I have been getting calls from an unknown number since morning. Whenever I receive the call, nobody tells anything.

(860) 397-1570

I was getting blank messages from an unknown number, whenever I call back, the call never connects to them.

(860) 397-5862

These guys have been calling me since Saturday, trying to sell one of their products at a discounted price. Marketing scam

(860) 397-6846

Is this a number of some finance companies? They called and promised to provide Educational funds for my child. Is it safe?

(860) 397-7481

Guys, is this a scam number? I have been receiving blank calls from it since the day before yesterday.

(860) 397-1525

I was in a meeting when I first received a text from this number saying, "It's Urgent." I called back to know what it was about. Nobody received it.

(860) 397-1173

Received calls from an unidentified number asking for an OTP. They faked to be Bank officials.

(860) 397-3781

Guys, can you help me identify this number? Is it a number of some agency? I have been getting blank calls from this number.

(860) 397-3686

I have received around 7 to 8 calls from this number, and each time I receive it, it's a different person on the other side. They're probably using this as a prank number.