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888-499-XXXX phone numbers
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8884996673, +1 888 499 6673
On receiving the call from this unidentified number, I learned that the person was speaking in Spanish. But I don’t know any Spanish person. Strange!!
8884994788, +1 888 499 4788
Got a call from an unknown number, asking about my personal details, when asked for authenticity, no one responded.
8884991155, +1 888 499 1155
Can anyone tell me whose number is it? I have got like a dozen calls from it, but each time nobody was speaking.
8884998206, +1 888 499 8206
This strange guy has been trying to convince me to buy his old RV. Despite all the refusals, he doesn't seem to give up.
8884992067, +1 888 499 2067
I have been getting calls from this number since yesterday. This stranger wants to know the password of my Netflix account without even introducing himself. LOL
8884991795, +1 888 499 1795
This number appeared on an email that reportedly I ordered something with a total. I did not order anything this date... 07/28/2021.