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The person who gave me this numbers' name was "Victoria" she has a "sister" named "Sonia" They approached me in an issue-ridden car as I was getting gas at the Chevron saying that they needed help with gas and also need fixes for their car. We started talking and for some stupid reason I wanted to give them over a hundred dollars of my money. They said they would pay back the money when they get paid (I mentioned through paypal). Next few weeks I texted them and they said their mom had issues so they couldn't afford to pay back 110 dollars at that time, so they promised and i made them promised to contact me when they do. They never contacted me so tried to text but didnt work. So I tried to call didn't work. They blocked me but if they're still using this number then this person(s) are SCAM ARTISTS. It was ridiculously stupid to lend my own money like that but I felt generous and hoped it would at least return something back to me with good-hearted intention. Obviously never fiscally happened and what sucks is that I don't even have a source of income right now!